Planning for My Music Video

Hello Blog. Janiah and I have gone through the main notions that we need to have a successful production process. Here are the main we devised: 

Janiah and I texting to make plans so we can plan for the music video.
Please note we are texting, so the use of shorthand, colloquial language is used. 

Song Segment 

  • Firstly, “Young, Dumb, & Broke” by Khalid is a long song, precisely 3 minutes and 21 seconds. This makes for a long music video so we decided to cut down the video to be around 1:10-1:15 minutes in length. At first, we weren’t sure how we would split the song up to be this short since it's more than half of the total length discarded. Eventually, we decided to use the original soundtrack from 0:34-1:49 because the lyrics sounded good. We realized this wouldn't work for what we had imagined the opening scenes would look like; the video would start in the chorus with a faster tempo which does not allow for the slow entry of the song. Thus, we ended up using the original audio from 0:02-1:17 seconds so that we could have an easy transition to the start of the song while also ending the song where it fits best lyrically speaking. 


  • Props have proved to be a final touch to conveying a message through our research. That being said, we decided to incorporate various props into the music video to aid the audience in what is happening and drive the plot forward. Here are some of the items we plan on using: 
    • Backpack - Specifically a messy backpack stuffed with loose papers and unorganized folders. The use of the backpack as a whole helps reveal that the character is in high school as backpacks are typically worn by a younger demographic. The reason behind the bag being messy helps create a mood for the piece. Usually, well-organized students tend to be better students thus a messy backpack can indicate a “dumb” student.

    • Computer/Textbook/Notebook - Typical school essentials will be used to further clarify to the audience that this is a high schooler, or a “young” student. 

      • Notebook Paper - A page in the notebook will be torn out and crumpled up during a scene to show the frustration towards studying, in other words, frustration towards being “dumb”.

    • Wired Headphones & Phone - The use of wired headphones versus AirPods or Beats helps show how the student is “broke”. The character is unable to afford headphones that are “trendy” thus they use wired headphones to listen to music. 

    • Car & Keys - In a transitionary period of the song the use of a car is essential to help show the passage of time. Using car keys would be helpful to show how the character moves from one place to another. 

    • Bike OR Skateboard - Part of being “young” is typically associated with having fun thus doing hobbies like biking or skateboarding can help visualize this feeling. Additionally, biking can be associated with a “free” feeling that comes with being in control which helps with the rush of emotions we hope to replicate. 

    • Towel/ Water/Beach Items - The use of beach items helps show our setting. Some scenes will be filmed at a beach so proper equipment like a towel, sunglasses, and beach bag can be used and worn to show the summer setting without actually saying it directly. 

    • Coins - To show how this individual is “broke” we are planning to use coins as a payment in a restaurant. Typically, people use credit cards or Apple Pay thus carrying around cash especially change can bring up different meanings. Firstly a juvenile feeling since younger people typically don't have access to credit cards. Secondly, an older individual like a high schooler may not have a credit card because they do not have enough money for an account or lack a good credit score, both can be signs of financial issues. We plan on using these connotations of coins to help show how the characters are “young” and “broke”. 

  • The story is about broke teenagers thus Janiah and I (teenagers ourselves) already own many of these props. Anything else can be purchased relatively inexpensively, after all, the story is about broke high schoolers. This makes for a low-cost production while also being authentic to the story of the music video. 


  • Costumes are very important to indicate links between the perception and execution of ideas. Since the characters are teenagers, we plan on dressing according to this age group. Being teenagers this gives us a leg up on what makes a typical “teen” outfit and what doesn’t. In general, we plan on wearing what we typically wear to be our organic high-school selves. Some parameters around clothing are the clothes will be “summer” outfits which means jean shorts, baby tees, and other popular clothing styles. These items tend to be shorter in length and tighter on the body but we want to make the clothing appropriate for all audiences. As for specific scenes, some guidelines will be indicated; at the beach scenes we plan on having swimsuits accompanied by jean shorts, sunglasses, and a beach bag; the library scene will most likely be comfortable clothing like sweatpants and leggings. As for our recruited friend who will act as an extra in this video, we will tell them to dress casually as they would typically so the central feeling of being a “teen” is still reciprocated. 

Filming Schedule 

  • Particularly with filming, Janiah has a job so our group must work around the schedule. This makes it so that our filming schedule is tentative and subject to change based on when she is set to work. This creates a drawback in scheduling since time is wasted because we cannot film on weekends (Janiah works on weekends primarily). Take a look at our schedule for now: 
    • From Tuesday, October 10th to Friday, October 13th we plan on storyboarding the music video to get the final gist of the end product. 

    • The production process will endure Monday, October 16th through Sunday, November 5th

      • As for filming, our rough plan can be seen:

        • Tuesday, October 17th - Film opening scene in the library and additional scenes using a bike 

        • Friday, October 20th - Film getting ready and high school football game

        • Monday, October 23rd to Tuesday, October 24th - Film beach scenes, pool, restaurant, picnic, and general “having fun” parts

      • Editing will take place from Thursday, October 26th to Sunday, November 5th. This gives us plenty of time to make appropriate revisions. 

    • Everything will be done by Wednesday, November 8th. 

Location List

  • For this music video, the location is an important part of demonstrating what is happening. Thus the main locations of a library/study space, beach, and restaurant have been devised. The final locations have not been picked but discussions have taken place on where we will most likely film. As for the library our choices are between Broward Main Library and North Regional Broward College Library. The Main Library is close to Paneet which could allow us to use her bike to film additional shots. The library is also within walking distance so getting a ride to and from the library isn't necessary. The College Library is on the Broward College Campus which gives us more space to freely act as students. This library is located near Janiah. Moving onto beaches, we can choose from Las Olas Beach, Fort Lauderdale Beach, Pompano Beach, and Lauderdale-By-The-Sea. Both Las Olas Beach and Lauderdale-By-The-Sea have shops that are within walking distance so the “restaurant” portion of the video can be taken there. One location is close to Janiah and one is closer to Paneet so we aren’t sure what we will choose yet. As for other locations, we could use Las Olas, Pool (at Paneet’s residency), Wilton Manors, and DRV PNK Stadium (where high school football games are held). We can gather B-rolls at these places since they are typically places we venture out to regularly. 

Backup Plan 

  • When filming, having a plan is essential, but a backup plan can be deemed just as important. This is why Janiah and I have taken some time to prepare a backup plan. Given we live in South Florida, extreme weather conditions need to be considered. If extreme heat, tropical rains, or a hurricane comes passing, we will reschedule any filming to a safer date. As for a couple of rain showers or a few clouds in the sky, we will presume filming as we plan. The whole point of this video is to show how we are young dumb and broke high schoolers. So, having a “perfect” set or filming conditions isn’t necessary to permit this main idea. The imperfect conditions partially add to present the “Young Dumb and Broke” aesthetic. As for smaller details, this same logic was applied. We plan to make do with what we have and be innovative. One worry we do have is that one scene requires a car or car keys to show the passage of time. If neither of our parents allow us to use their car or we don't have access to the cars we will substitute the car for a bike or skateboard which could help to show the “broke” part of this video since we cannot afford cars. 
I’m excited to see how these plans work out! Having a set schedule for everything allows me to ease off stress whilst knowing the production orders are set to occur in an orderly fashion. Our version of “Young, Dumb, & Broke” is sure to be a hit!


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