Editing Blog - CapCut V.S. iMovie

 Welcome back! It’s officially the start of editing. I am so excited to get to start editing. My editing experience is short, I have done a few projects but nothing in-depth. So far I have made a video compilation of birthday messages for my mum’s 50th birthday, but that was simple. All I had to do was paste all the videos family and friends sent to me into CapCut and I was done. I’ve also used iMovie a couple of times. My brother and I used to make little ads and short films when we were younger. He did most of the editing as I eagerly watched him waiting for the end product. So when I was deciding what to start editing from I was torn. Initially, I was thinking of using iMovie to edit since it has a notorious name for being a good place to edit for beginners. But as I was starting to edit on iMovie I realized that CapCut was much easier. Plus, I was already familiar with some features from the recent birthday video project. I moved to CapCut and added all the clips together. At first, I was worried I would have a super long commercial but after watching the video thoroughly my worries got eased. A lot of the video is me pausing in between, or repeating a phrase I mispronounced. So I decided to go through the video and remove any pauses. I used the split tool on CapCut and then deleted moments that couldn’t be used. 

Now I had many clips so I started to readjust the order of a couple since I went out of order when filming a tad bit. The commercial about myself is most definitely not done, I got the video down tons of time to a more reasonable time frame but a lot more needs to be shortened also inserts of pictures need to be added. It was super fun going through the edits. At first, I thought I would prefer filming over editing because I heard editing is extremely repetitive but after doing it I find it satisfying. It’s super interesting seeing a video of the product I had imagined in my mind when planning. Nonetheless, this editing process is not over so let's see if I continue enjoying this process or end up seeing the tedious side. This whole process was so cool to learn about and not something I would usually gravitate towards. It taught me to not blindly follow the majority's opinion of something and try to for myself to see if I’ll like it. Also, just to try new things, who knows how many things I haven't tried yet that I will end up being fond of.  This learning process was great and rewarding. Hope you guys take these lessons into your lives and make sure to try new things! 


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