Production Blog - A Couple Bumps

Hi Guys! Today marks the start of the production process, or at least was supposed to. The plan for today was to get a random assortment of clips since I lack videos with me in it or with things I love. I wanted to get a video at the beach with the water, a good sunset, some videos at the library, and just some shorter clips of myself doing tasks like skincare. I wanted to get started today but the plan I had set out didn’t work. I got home from school way later than expected when I set out this plan. First I had a meeting for the drama club which lasted till 4:55. Since I’m part of the tech crew I had to attend to get the necessary information about production dates. Afterwards, my friend had a volleyball game so a couple of us were going to stay and watch but by that time I had a jarring headache from the heat and I was starving. I just decided to get picked up from school around 5:30. Once I got home my head was still pounding and I was 3 hours behind my production plan. I still had hope to film so I set out on Las Olas which would be the main attraction in my clips. I set out my 5-minute trek from my apartment but the heat got to me. My headache increased and I felt faint so I decided it was best to not go out and film. Though it was only around 88 degrees (f), which is normal for Fort Lauderdale, I was falling limp. Most of the clips I’m planning to take were also outside so the whole plan had to get postponed. 

This whole process of having to postpone the plan was slightly annoying but it just is a good reminder that I am human too. Things don't always go to plan and sometimes you can adjust repetitively and it still won't work, and that's ok. I wanted to get all the shots in order so that I could start finding the final pieces of my commercial about me. Nonetheless, I’m learning to be adaptable. Remember y’all, it’s okay to have to adjust and compromise. Life is a balancing act and sometimes some sides weigh out the others but you have to try to keep balance. 


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