Movie Research: Capturing the Killer Nurse - Deadly Compassion

Greetings! Now that I have selected the genre for my Final Task it would only be appropriate to delve further into this genre with more research. Today I am starting my next segment of research that focuses on Crime Documentaries. The first hand-picked movie to analyze is Capturing the Killer Nurse (2022).  If you can recall, I have discussed this movie in previous blogs. I watched the reenactment of this true crime titled The Good Nurse (2022). This thriller was captivating and expressive which led me to so many questions about this crime. Analyzing the counterpart documentary of the same crime will surely be enthralling! Without further ado let's get started!

Of course, I have already watched this film thoroughly, so now I will break down my thoughts into each subcategory as follows. 

Genre Traits

There are many features of this movie that I plan on basing my Final Task on. The most prevalent one is the use of sound to drive the plot. Additionally, the use of color/lighting design to reciprocate moods and the various camera angles and shots. I’ve outlined the opening sequence in specific with the features I plan to build my film on. 

To start the movie showed a few establishing shots of the hospital where the events occurred. Some are aerial shots and some were closer up on the rooms and even the ceiling. This opening of the film had a very bright and slightly yellow hue creating a warm, safe, positive feeling. All whilst a calming version of “You Are My Sunshine” played in the background. A voiceover from a recording starts to play; a masculine voice recollets the beneficial hope of becoming a nurse. 

Suddenly, this switches to a different spectrum of feelings. A patient in a bed in a poorly lit room with dark blues and blacks emanated. An ominous tone of music in a minor key played instead. The voiceover changed to explain how this masculine voice (presumably the “killer nurse”) wants to put patients “out of their misery” (murder them). This overall eerie feeling remains for the rest of the opening sequence. 

Next, there is an overlay of news headlines that use key phrases such as “serial killer” and “horrific”. Before a two-shot of a patient and nurse is shown. The nurse is viewed from a low angle asserting dominance over the patient. Following a sort of point-of-view shot is filmed. It is seen as a nurse figure administering medicine. Next the camera moves through the IV and into the blood as if from the point of view of the medicine entering the body. All of this is depicted through a distorted lens. It is clear editing was used to blur the shots. There is lettering of titles before the title of the film is shown over a dark red tapestry depicting blood. 

Here the music settled into a more calm version and then jumped into interviews at the eye level. 

Notably, smooth movements were used throughout which is interesting. The juxtaposition of a smooth camera movement over a jerky one in the darker portion depicts how the “killer nurse” was at ease during this. It contributes to the uneasy feeling. 

Sound is the main drive of the story. It helps establish emotions and signals to the audience when a major event is being displayed. The sound was appropriately matched with color and lighting design to aid sentiments visually. This movie has taught me the importance of matching visual and auditory cues to make a thought-provoking film. 

Appealing Elements 

  • There are many appealing elements of this film. I touched on a few of these above. The use of sound in particular a song to move the plot was fascinating. “You Are My Sunshine” is a well-known uplifting song which is why there is a great deal of juxtaposition when the song is put in a minor key and the lyrics are used to convey a contrasting thought. I noticed that the author used the lyric “Please don’t take my sunshine away” while blood was being shown close up. This shows how the sunshine being refers to life and the nurse is taking away the life of the patient. The lyrics of the song serve as hidden metaphors throughout. This specific element of music as a rhetorical device is something I want to explore to include in my Final Task. 

Disfavored Elements 

  • This movie used eerie sound effects and a disorienting editing effect that messed with my senses. Therefore on a personal basis, I dislike these elements. But, when looking from a cinematographer's lens, these elements are well-executed conventions. Overall, I would say there are no unappealing conventions present. 


Capturing the Killer Nurse (2022) is an eerie film navigating horrific events. This is a vast array of typical genre conventions present. The use of sound elements has stood out to me the most. I will be sure to use this film as a basis for my depiction of sound in my Crime Documentary. As I research this genre more, I feel more confident in my success in the Final Task! 


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