Planning The Script - The Craft of Screenwriting

            Hello everyone! Today marks the third and final planning blog. I’ll be focusing on the script to be the basis of my opening sequence today. Following today the process will be a lot more hands-on so having a clear idea of the auditory elements at this time is right on track. This will help significantly when doing the storyboarding. So take a look at my working script! 


During montage/B-roll of Couthoues: 


Breaking news! A twist in the suburbs. Uncovering the malicious and murderous intent of community member Elena Mercer.  


The turn from perfect to perpetrator. More on the 7 o'clock news.  


Some jaw-dropping live updates have been dropped from the scene. An unsuspected, friendly, idyllic woman now accused of murder says neighbor. 

(Momentary silence as sound effects/music play) 

In the detectives home (B-roll) and still voiceover: 


It was like any other crime scene. When we got there we had to examine the horrific leftovers of a murder. Thank god we got an anonymous tip from the neighbor about something odd happening in a neighbor's house.  

In the detectives home, interview style:


I mean its just horrific. I knew her. Good old Elena Mercer. She had charmed the whole town so yes it was an old crime scene but it was in a dear community member's home.  The town really didn't know how to react to this malicious event. I mean it’s the suburbs so gossip spreads like wildfire around here. 

When I got the news she was in jail I was just appalled. I mean she turned herself in. It was just crazy because she is an intelligent woman. I mean who knew she could do such a thing. 

(Momentary silence as sound effects/music plays and a montage continues till the title is shown and the opening sequence ends) 

Personal Remarks:

It is a seemingly short script but between the other auditory elements the script is bound to reach the 2:00 minute mark very well. I don't want to overload dialogue with the detective because it will be redundant and most likely need to be cut-out due to time constraints. So that makes a wrap to planning and segways me to initiating the hands-on work!


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