Filming Frenzies - Reshooting Some Of My Mockumentary

Hello everyone! Today marks my official wrap on filming. And I am ahead of schedule which I did not expect. In all of the projects before I have had to cram filming and editing but not this time. Safe to say that my growth since those projects is immense. 

Okay, onto the actual filming. Today was filming the governmental buildings once again but this time from the outside and filming passing cars. I embarked on this journey by taking a little walk around the governmental buildings in Las Olas to scope out the scene. I took my mom and great aunt with me to watch my back and ensure I was safe while filming since it was a busy area. When I was walking I had to pass two intersections which meant I had a great opportunity to film the cars passing by. I also got a shot of the street signs which noted the turns for the courthouse and federal building. I eventually made my way to these buildings and got a variety of shots from the outside at all different angles. 

While I stopped here I reviewed the footage I had taken. I reflected and the videos from the intersections looked odd. I couldn’t put my finger on it but I knew something was off. I decided to refilm these bits from the sidewalk of a street instead of at an intersection. Once again I checked to see how it came out and it looked much better. 

From there I made my walk back. On the way I just started taking general B-roll shots as a backup option in case I needed to fill up the opening sequence more. I doubt I will need to use these clips but it is always better to be over-prepared. 

Filming this time around hasn’t felt as extensive as before. Which is odd considering how this is a much larger task at hand. I think not having to approve the videos with other people and just doing things in my own right made it a faster process. It also allowed me more freedom to go out when I was free instead of having to align my schedule with someone else’s and then check when we were both free. 

And now I have all the clips I need! Of course, I am happy to be done but being done with filming means that now I have to edit and there is much to be done in that field. But I am ready to take on that huge task. 

A comprehensive view of what I have filmed


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